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Far Cough 9:32 Tue Dec 8
Anyone get an Amazon Dot or similar?

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Jasnik 7:36 Wed Dec 9
Re: Anyone get an Amazon Dot or similar?
She pisses me around some times .. Think she is having a laugh Alexa turn light on do you mean lights .. no light, you don't have any device call lights ..
Alexa turn light on . ping light turns on ..


but does know when WHU are playing .

Also was watching Mr Robot the other day and when the FBI agent talks to Alexa my one answered I had to keep pausing the show.

BRANDED 7:33 Wed Dec 9
Re: Anyone get an Amazon Dot or similar?
Sharp has unveiled its first Alexa-capable countertop microwaves, the mid-size 1.1 cubic foot SMC1139FS and the larger, more family-oriented 1.4 cubic foot SMC1449FS. Both ovens will take the expected voice commands from Alexa devices for tasks like defrosting meat, but they’re also uniquely tuned for Orville Redenbacher popcorn. Ask Amazon’s helper to “microwave classic popcorn” and a standard bag should be ready for your next at-home movie.

LeroysBoots 7:29 Wed Dec 9
Re: Anyone get an Amazon Dot or similar?
Have the new Amazon Show 8, so far so good

Far Cough 6:16 Wed Dec 9
Re: Anyone get an Amazon Dot or similar?

Johnson 5:44 Wed Dec 9
Re: Anyone get an Amazon Dot or similar?
Please stop talking about technology Mike it's as toe-curling as comma talking about football.

Mike Oxsaw 6:15 Wed Dec 9
Re: Anyone get an Amazon Dot or similar?
Johnson 5:44 Wed Dec 9

Answer that question and I'll give it some consideration.

(You haven't, by any chance, spend a wedge of your dole cheque investing in some of these, have you?)

Johnson 5:44 Wed Dec 9
Re: Anyone get an Amazon Dot or similar?
Please stop talking about technology Mike it's as toe-curling as comma talking about football.

Mike Oxsaw 5:31 Wed Dec 9
Re: Anyone get an Amazon Dot or similar?
How does it work out when you're speaking?

ChillTheKeel 5:17 Wed Dec 9
Re: Anyone get an Amazon Dot or similar?
What sort of helmet tells them where they're off to? They're not your fucking mum
I only tell mine to play music, turn the lights/heating on/off, and to stop staring at me.

Mike Oxsaw 5:06 Wed Dec 9
Re: Anyone get an Amazon Dot or similar?
They're GREAT! Modern technology at it's best.

No need to leave the key under the porch doormat when you leave home

"Alexa. tell the whole fucking world I'm off to Bognor for the weekend."

"Alexa, I'm off to do my weekly shop. Make sure every cunt knows I'll be out for at least 3 hours - as usual."

El Scorchio 12:52 Wed Dec 9
Re: Anyone get an Amazon Dot or similar?
There's no way I'm putting a machine in my house that listens to everything, regardless of whether it's 'on' or not.

'Alexa. Play amputee porn.'

Block 12:39 Wed Dec 9
Re: Anyone get an Amazon Dot or similar?
You have a row?

THAT would be fucking funny to see.

ChillTheKeel 12:25 Wed Dec 9
Re: Anyone get an Amazon Dot or similar?
I had a row with 3 of the Show cunts the other day. They were almost as cringe as the dog-pilers on here. Great for multi-room music though.

BRANDED 11:25 Wed Dec 9
Re: Anyone get an Amazon Dot or similar?
I’ve got google and Amazon ones. Don’t use them.

MrSnoogans 11:15 Wed Dec 9
Re: Anyone get an Amazon Dot or similar?
I have a few in the house, essentially use them as a radio or timer for the kitchen. Only ever got them as a free gift for buying something else (as google are desperate to get one in your home....)

I did give one of them to my elderly grandparents, my grandad is basically blind. Only really gave it to them to take the fuss out of having to set the radio up as getting 5live extra for TMS is a pain. They love it, got the hang of it very quickly (to my surprise) and they love being able to play music to suit their mood very easily. My grandad, is more 'in tune' with it and sees it as a way to access the internet, so often asks it loads of questions to confirm his memory and get cricket scores. You can also programme it to call people through voice with it very handy, potentially in emergencies.

It's brilliant for accessibility, like most of the new tech is.

ray winstone 11:04 Wed Dec 9
Re: Anyone get an Amazon Dot or similar?
I have a Sonos BEAM, it’s really rather good.

Lee Trundle 11:03 Wed Dec 9
Re: Anyone get an Amazon Dot or similar?
I use the one in the kitchen all the time, when I'm in there.

I have my ring security cameras set up with it so I can sit down and look at one of the echo shows and act like William Baldwin in Sliver.

Rossal 9:45 Wed Dec 9
Re: Anyone get an Amazon Dot or similar?

I dont see the point of them, as said below seems a gimmic. I think Amazon makes them to listen to everything and tailor your advertising cookies to make you give them more money.

No coincidence the only firms to bring out these devices are Google and Amazon

Hallerinthemorning 9:40 Wed Dec 9
Re: Anyone get an Amazon Dot or similar?
We have one in the house due to pressure from wife and kids. Waste of time and (not much) money.
The first day they were all over it. "Alexa this, alexa that" but then realised their phone was still way more useful and convenient. To check weather, look outside. To make lists, use your phone that comes with you everywhere. Phones are good for alarms too and reminders. We have our music set up to Sonus from spotify on our phones so dont need the shitt output that the echo offers. All in all I think Amazon need a massive pat on the back for convincing people that they need it or even want it. GIMMICK

PwoperNaughtyButNot 9:20 Wed Dec 9
Re: Anyone get an Amazon Dot or similar?
Capitol - I was responding to mallard

It’s an echo

Capitol Man 1:49 Wed Dec 9
Re: Anyone get an Amazon Dot or similar?
That boat sailed when you got a mobile phone

Vexed 1:40 Wed Dec 9
Re: Anyone get an Amazon Dot or similar?
I dont think I want those fucking mooks at Amazon profiting from my daily conversations around the house.

I dont think I'd have one of these cunts spying on me all day. I dont even think they're particularly useful. Everyone will have fucked them off in two or three years time.

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